







All access to the Internet is routed through a “technology protection measure” designed to filter out material that is in violation of the District’s Internet policies.  这个过滤器将屏蔽大多数令人反感的材料.  用户应注意,过滤器和用户可能会错过一些令人反感的材料, 发现这种物质的存在, 须向科技及资讯服务科支援台(分机8411)举报违规网站. Review processes are in place to block sites with objectionable material and to request the removal of blocks to sites that users believe contain material that has educational benefit.  最后, an adult filter is available if the user submits a request and receives approval from the appropriate Assistant 负责人 and the Executive Director of 信息服务.

Represented certificated employees are responsible for following generally accepted social standards for use of a publicly owned and operated communication tool which includes various technology systems such as the Internet. Represented certificated staff will maintain high standards of ethical conduct while using all District technology systems.  不道德、不可接受使用地区技术设备的例子包括:

  • 发送, 显示, 或者浏览色情内容, 虐待, 淫秽, 或其他令人反感的语言, 图形, 或者其他媒体          
  • 未经授权披露、使用和传播学生或员工的个人信息
  • “黑客”或以其他方式从事非法的计算机或技术活动
  • 使用淫秽语言
  • 骚扰、侮辱或攻击他人的
  • 故意破坏计算机、计算机系统、数据、文件、信息或计算机网络的
  • 违反著作权法
  • 使用或散布他人密码的
  • 非法侵入他人的数字文件夹或文件
  • 故意浪费有限的资源
  • 将网络用于外部业务或商业目的
  • 不道德的发送或请求的, 非法, 不道德的, 不合适的, 或者任何类型的不可接受的信息
  • 从事破坏区域技术系统的活动
  • 试图绕过区域技术安全措施
  • Reposting or forwarding without the permission of the sender a message sent to you privately which is of a confidential nature or one clearly designed to be read by a limited number of selected recipients
  • 发送连锁信件或发送“垃圾邮件”- i.e.例如,向很多人发送烦人或不必要的信息

为有代表的持证人员提供地区技术以进行研究, 与他人就学术话题进行交流, 从事区内合法经营活动.  Individual users of the District technology are responsible for their behavior and communications on those networks.  用户应遵守地区标准,并遵守本协议规定的政策.  违反所描述的地区政策可能导致访问特权被暂停或撤销, 以及其他必要的纪律处分.  任何商业, 政治, 或擅自使用本地区的技术系统或服务, 以任何形式, 是被禁止的.  所有的版权法都必须遵守.

Members of the certificated teachers bargaining unit may engage in teacher association business on the District computer networks.  Such teacher association business shall be conducted during non-duty hours which are defined in Article IV, 本协议第C条.  Association use of District e-mails shall be limited to the following:  authorized Association representatives may use District e-mails to provide notice of meetings, 会议议程, 会议记录, 确认与地区代表会面, or a limited distribution communique` between an authorized Chapter officer and a District representative; the Association will not use e-mail to denigrate the District or its personnel and will observe the prohibitions of Education Code, 第7054节.

十大菠菜导航网址尊重所有认证教师用户的隐私.  System administrators and their staff may not log on to a user’s account or view a user’s files without explicit permission from the user.  Exceptions arise when the user’s account is suspected either of disrupting or endangering the security or 完整性 of any District technology system or service or of violations of applicable school district policies, 联邦或州法律.  即使在那时, the system administrator must normally obtain prior approval of the Executive Director of 信息服务 or the 副院长室 of Education Services unless grave danger to the continued operation of the District’s technology systems requires emergency action.

This does not preclude 技术 and 信息服务 staff from maintaining and monitoring system logs of user activity which access District technology systems. 此外, automated searches for activities that endanger system security or 完整性 are preformed regularly to protect all users. 技术 and 信息服务 administrators may take appropriate action in response to detection of such activity (typically removal of infected files and possibly suspension of the user’s accounts until the matter can be resolved).

学区技术系统的使用可能会因不当使用而随时被撤销.  科技及资讯服务科, 与学校行政部门合作, 将是唯一的决定什么构成不适当的行为根据当地, 状态, 联邦法律.  The violation of any item contained in this policy may result in the loss of access and/or to District technology systems other disciplinary action, 以及当地法律规定的可能的惩罚措施, 状态, 联邦法律.

任何信息系统的安全都是重中之重, 尤其是那些有很多用户和/或互联网接入的系统.  Represented certificated staff members shall not let others use his or her account or password as he or she has a reasonable responsibility for all actions related to his or her account. Certificated staff must notify school administrators immediately if their password is lost or stolen or if they think someone has access to their account. Represented certificated employees are to use only the network directories and resources that have been assigned for their use.  未经授权访问系统的任何其他级别, 或者其他系统资源, 是严格禁止的.  用户不得试图绕过地区杀毒软件, 防火墙, 过滤和保障.  当完成了计算机代表的认证员工预计登出在适当的地方.

有证书的员工不允许在电脑上安装软件或应用程序, 计算机网络, or any District technology systems without a valid purchase order or other proof of District or personal ownership.  Legal software and/or data stored on District technology devices are subject to removal with prior notification and consent of the represented certificated staff member.  十大菠菜导航网址应采取合理的预防措施以确保安全, 完整性, 或存储在区域技术系统上的数据和/或程序的寿命.

Represented certificated staff acknowledge that they share responsibility for any and all use of the District’s technology systems and that misuse could lead to liability and/or consequences that extend beyond the District’s authority.  The 十大菠菜导航网址 and its represented certificated staff members shall be held harmless from any use or misuse of District technology systems by students.  十大菠菜导航网址不作任何形式的保证, 无论是明示的还是暗示的, 对于它所提供的服务.  十大菠菜导航网址将不负责用户可能遭受的任何损害,包括, 但不限于, 由于设备故障导致的数据丢失或服务中断, 无论是在区外还是区外.  十大菠菜导航网址 and its represented certificated employees are not responsible for the accuracy or quality of the information obtained through or stored on the system.

